College Feedback Parent Feedback Alumni Feedback Teachers Feedback Facilities Feedback Exit Feedback Parent Feedback Parent Feedback Form Parent Feedback Form The Parents and guardians of our students are an important part of the various stakeholders and we value their feedback to improve the services offered at the College. Hence, this questionnaire is submitted to you to kindly fill it and send it back to us. Kindly handed over to Head of Department (HOD): Name of ward: Branch/ Semester: Name of parent/guardian: Contact details: Date: You chose the college because of (please tick the correct options) Environment and Ambience Affordable fee structure Recommended by an Alumni Its vicinity and location Reputation as disciplined Institution Please rate the college from parent's perspective (tick one box for rating) Sr. No. Particulars 1 (Poor) 2 (Average) 3 (Good) 4 (Very Good) 5 (Excellent) 1 Scrutiny of the Ward 2 Discipline 3 Quality of Teaching 4 Extracurricular activities 5 Campus atmosphere Your valuable suggestions: Signature of Parent: Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Alumni Feedback Alumni Feedback Form Alumni Feedback Form Dear Alumni, We shall very much appreciate and be thankful if you can spare some of your valuable time to fill up this feedback form. Your valuable inputs will be of great use to improve the quality of academic programs and enhance the credibility. Name of the Alumni: Year of Passing: Contact No. /Mobile No: Email ID: Work Status: Name of Company: 1: Poor, 2: Average, 3: Good, 4: Very Good, 5: Excellent Sr. No Particulars 1 (Poor) 2 (Average) 3 (Good) 4 (Very Good) 5 (Excellent) 1 Relevance of curriculum in your Job 2 Need any change in curriculum and syllabi 3 Improvements in teaching and learning Process 4 Curriculum sufficient to bridge the gap between Industry standards /current global scenarios and academics 5 Electives offered in relation to the technological advancements 6 The new courses (subjects) Introduced meet contemporary (existing) requirements Give suggestions for improvement: Signature: Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Teachers Feedback Teachers Feedback Form Teachers Feedback on Curriculum and Ambiance of the Institute Name of Faculty: Department: Academic Year: Program: Course Handled: Course Code: 1: Poor, 2: Average, 3: Good, 4: Very Good, 5: Excellent Sr. No. Questionnaire 1 (Poor) 2 (Average) 3 (Good) 4 (Very Good) 5 (Excellent) 1 Syllabus is sufficient to bridge the gap between industry standards and academics. 2 The course content satisfies the needs of follow-on courses in further semesters. 3 The electives offered are relevant to the specification streams and the technological advancements of the students. 4 The designed experiments stimulate student interest and deepen their understanding through relating theory to practice. 5 The laboratory enables students to develop experimental, design, problem-solving, and analytical skills. 6 The institution fosters research, faculty development, and consultancy through faculty motivation. 7 Library facilities are good with numerous books, e-books, and journals for self-learning. 8 Canteen, mess, hostel, and transport facilities are adequate. Any additional suggestions: Date: Signature of Faculty: Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Facilities Feedback Facilities Feedback Form Facilities Feedback Form Date: Academic Year: Semester: Section: Guidelines for Students: Kindly register your genuine feedback. Your feedback will be helpful to improve the system. Don’t write your name or roll number on this form. Rate: 5. Excellent | 4. Very Good | 3. Good | 2. Fair | 1. Poor Sr. No Question 5 4 3 2 1 1 Library Facility 2 Sports Facility 3 Canteen Facility 4 Transport Facility 5 Internet Facility Suggestions, if any: Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Exit Feedback Exit Feedback Form Exit Feedback Form Name of Student: Branch: Year of Graduation: Contact Number: Email ID: Rate: 5. Excellent | 4. Very Good | 3. Good | 2. Fair | 1. Poor Sr. No Parameters 5 4 3 2 1 Remark 1 Knowledge of Mathematics, science, and basic engineering 2 Faculty support in experiments, data analysis & interpretation 3 Ability to design a practical system or process 4 Knowledge for working in multidisciplinary teams/projects Any additional suggestions for improvement in our graduates: Date: Signature of Student: Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.