About Us

Swaminarayan Siddhanta Institute of Technology

Swaminarayan Siddhanta Institute of Technology is established with an aim to provide engineering education with a difference. It was founded in the year 2008 by the Sarvasiddhanta Education Society aspiring of disseminating knowledge in the fields of Engineering and Technology in Nagpur.

The college is approved by the All-India Council for Technical Education and is affiliated to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological university, Lonere and RTM Nagpur University.

SSIT offers four Under Graduate Programmes in the fields of Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Post-Graduate Programmes Viz. M. Tech in Environmental Engineering, Electronics Engineering (Communication), Computer Science and Engineering, MBA.


Dr. Pankaj Agrawal, Ph.D. in Electronics Engineering, MTech. in Digital Communication and B.E. in Electronics Engineering. Having more than 16 years of academic and 15 years of Industry Experience including Managerial Experience of 7 years. His specialization includes Digital Communication, Digital Signal Processing and Computer Networking. Recognized Ph.D. Supervisor and M.E. by Research Supervisor in RTM Nagpur University. Under him 6 candidates have completed the PhD.

Published more than 50 papers in National and International journals and conference. Chaired the session in 3rd IEEE International Conference ICCSIT-2010, held at Chengdu, CHINA, on July 09-11, 2010. He has delivered the expert lectures in the conferences. He has organized various Workshops and STTP. He has visited the colleges as chairman of RTM Nagpur University’s Local Enquiry Committee (LEC), Expert Committee members etc. Worked as Branch Manager at Jabalpur and as Territory In charge of Vidarbha in Wipro Infotech. Brought the Vidarbha territory at #1 across India in Reliance Petrol Pump Automation Project. Professional membership of ISTE and Institute of Engineers (India).

Our Vision

To emerge as an institute of academic excellence, creating technocrats with professional skills & human values.

Our Mission

1. To provide, nurture and maintain an environment of high academic excellence.

2. To inculcate research and entrepreneurship skills for aspiring students.

3. To develop the soft skills and professional skills among students which will prepare them to face global challenges.

4. To imbibe the ethical and moral values among students so as to make them capable of handling societal problems.


Mr. Sarang Raut, Director of Operations

  • A successful Entrepreneur
  • 15 years IT industry experience
  • Founder member of inspirebridge technologies private limited – A blooming software company.
  • Vast experience in business development especially IT and Infrastructure development.
  • Aims to provide employment in large scale.
  • Believes in youth power and aims to impart knowledge and wisdom to youth.
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