Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct Committee

Name of The Staff Designation Position
Dr. Debabrata Dey
Assistant Professor
Mr. Nakul Shenode
Assistance Professor
Mr. Abhijeeth Nair
Administrative Officer
Ms. Ankita Rekkawar
Assistant Professor
Mr. Rohit Deshmukh
Assistant Professor
Ms. Minakshi Shendre
Assistant Professor

Code of Conduct

Whoever adopts teaching as a profession assumes the obligation to conduct him/her in accordance with the ideal of the profession. A teacher is constantly under the scrutiny of his/her students and society at large. Therefore, every teacher should see that there is no incompatibility between his/her precepts and practices. The National ideals of education which have already been set forth and which he/she should seek to inculcate among students must be his/her own ideals. The profession further requires that the teachers should be calm, patient and communicative by temperament and amiable in disposition.


1.1 Teachers and their responsibilities:

Teachers should: 

  1. Be enthusiastic in taking up the subjects allotted to them by the authority concerned.
  2. Prepare a teaching plan to be followed through the semester. 
  3. Maintain the necessary academic records with all the required documents. It should be separate for every semester. 
  4. Without exceptions, teacher must be at the classroom at prescribed time as per time table.
  5. At the start of teaching hour, each teacher must take attendance.
  6. At the conclusion of the hour, each teacher must promptly conclude the class.
  7. They should give assignment to the students, check them and return to the students after correction. 
  8. Evaluate the answer-sheets of the student for two sessional examinations and one Pre-university examination conducted during the semester, show the answer-sheets to the students and display marks.
  9. Perform their duties in the form of teaching, tutorial, practical, exam duties, seminar and research work conscientiously and with dedication.
  10. Co-operate and assist in carrying out functions relating to the educational responsibilities of the college, such as: assisting in appraising applications for admission, advising and counselling students as well as assisting the University examinations including supervision, invigilation and evaluation. 
  11. Maintain confidentiality in conduct of examination and other matters related to institution. 
  12. Responsibly conduct regular classes and practicals and also engage extra classes whenever necessary. 
  13. Mentor the students in a way that human and ethical values are inculcated in them. 
  14. Maintain high standards of punctuality, honesty and professional ethics. 
  15. As per the rules of the institute teachers must adjust their classes and show the consent of the substitute teacher to the HOD before going on leave.
  16. Work within the policies framed by the institution and act according to the vision and mission of the institute. 
  17. Abide by the instructions and directions of the competent authority. 
  18. Contribute in the process of development of the institution. 
  19. Adhere to a responsible pattern of conduct and demeanour expected of them by the community. 
  20. Seek to make professional growth continuous through study and research. 
  21. Express free and frank opinion by participation at professional meetings, seminars, conferences etc. towards the contribution of knowledge. 
  22. Maintain active membership of professional organizations and strive to improve education and profession through them. 
  23. Participate in extension, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities including community service. 
  24. Manage their private affairs in a manner consistent with the dignity of the profession.


1.2 Teachers and the students:

Teachers should: 

  1. Respect the right and dignity of the students in expressing their opinions.
  2. Deal justly and impartially with students regardless of their religion, caste, political, economic, social and physical characteristics. 
  3. Recognize the difference in attitude and capabilities among students and strive to meet their individual needs. 
  4. Encourage the students to improve their attainment, develop their personalities and at the same time contribute to community welfare. 
  5. Inculcate, among students, scientific outlook and respect for physical labour and ideals of democracy, patriotism and peace. 
  6. Be affectionate to the students and not behave in vindictive manner towards any of them for any reason. 
  7. Pay attention only to the attainment of the students in assessment of the merit. 
  8. Make themselves available to the students even beyond their class hours and help and guide the students without any remuneration or reward. 
  9. Aid students to develop an understanding of the National Heritage and National Goals. 
  10. Refrain from inciting students against other students, colleagues and administration of the institution.


1.3 Teachers and Colleagues: 

Teachers should: 

  1. Treat other members of the profession in the same manner as they themselves wish to be treated.
  2. Speak respectfully of other teachers and render assistance for professional betterment. 
  3. Refrain from lodging unsubstantiated allegations against colleagues to higher authorities. 
  4. Refrain from allowing considerations of caste, creed, religion, race or sex in their professional endeavours.


1.4 Teachers and Authorities: 

Teachers should: 

  1. Discharge their professional responsibilities according to the existing rules and adhere to procedures and methods consistent with their profession initiating steps through their own professional bodies and / or professional organizations for change of any such rules detrimental to the professional interest.
  2. Refrain from undertaking any other employment and commitment including private tuitions which are likely to interfere with their professional responsibilities. 
  3. Co-operate in the formulation of policies of the institution by accepting various offices and discharge responsibilities which such offices may demand.
  4. Co-operate through their organization in the formulation of policies of the other institutions and accept offices. 
  5. Co-operate with authorities for the betterment of the institution keeping in view the interest and in conformity with dignity of the profession. 
  6. Adhere to the conditions of Contract and Agreement. 
  7. Give and expect due notice before a change of position is made. 
  8. Refrain from availing themselves of leave except on unavoidable grounds and as far as practicable with prior permission, keeping in view their particular responsibility for completion of Academic Schedule.

1.5 Teachers and Non-Teaching staff: 

Teachers should: 

  1. Treat the members of the non-teaching staff as colleagues and equal parameter in a co-operative undertaking in the institution. 
  2. Help in the function of joint staff – councils covering both teachers and members of non-teaching staff. 


1.6 Teachers and Guardians: 

Teachers should: 

  1. Endeavour to see through teachers’ bodies and organizations, that institution maintains contact with the guardians, their students, send reports of their performance to the guardians whenever necessary and meet the guardians in the meetings convened for the purpose of mutual exchange of ideas for the benefit of the institution.
  2. Contact guardians through the students under “Teacher-Guardian Scheme”.


1.7 Teachers and Society: 

Teachers should: 

  1. Recognize that education is a public service and strive to keep the public informed of the educational programs which are being provided. 
  2. Work to improve education in the community and strengthen the community’s moral and intellectual life. 
  3. Be aware of social problems and take part in such activities as would be conducive to progress of society and hence the Country as a whole. 
  4. Perform the duties of citizenship, participate in community activities and shoulder the responsibilities of public offices. 
  5. Refrain from taking part or subscribing to or assisting in any activity which tend to promote feeling of hatred or enmity among different communities, religions or linguistic groups but actively work for National Integration.

A code of conduct for non-teaching staff in an engineering college may include: 

  1. Every staff employed in the Institute shall discharge his/her duties efficiently and diligently and shall conform to the rules and regulations. It shall be mandatory on the staff employed to do work in connection with an examination conducted by the University or Institute.
  2. No staff shall remain absent from his/her duties without prior permission. In case of valid reasons, he/she should follow the rules of the institute related to attendance and leaves.
  3. The staff should create and maintain strong relationship with students, faculty and other administrative staff by proper interaction, cooperation, and maintaining professional boundaries
  4. The staff should treat the students with care and kindness, and maintain their dignity.
  5. The staff shall not discriminate any student based on the caste, creed, language, and place of origin, social and cultural background.
  6. It is responsibility of every staff to meet the required standards for every assigned task.
  7. The staff must abide by the requirements of maintaining confidentiality related to important work and information of the Institute.
  8. The staff should take care and protect the equipments and property of the Institute, in general, assigned to him/her.
  9. No staff shall engage directly or indirectly in any trade or business without prior permission from authorities.
  10. Before accepting any honorary work, which does not hamper the regular duties, a written permission from the Principal should be obtained by the concerned staff.
  11. In case, any staff gets involved in any legal proceeding, he/she shall inform about the same to the Principal.
  12. The staff shall not associate with any political party or any organization which takes part in politics or shall subscribe to, or assist in any other manner, any political movement.
  13. No staff shall engage or participate in any activity which is anti-secular or which tends to create disharmony in the society.

A code of conduct for administrative staff in an engineering college may include:

  1. The administrative staff must maintain high standards of honesty, punctuality and professional ethics.
  2. They should work within the institutional policies, practices, to satisfy the vision and mission of the institute.
  3. They should be properly aware of the duties, responsibilities and limitations of their posts. They should properly study the pros and cons of the work so that they could facilitate the requirements of the teaching staff, general administration and students.
  4. The staff should cooperate and collaborate with colleagues and external agencies, necessary to support the development of the college.
  5. The administrative staff should maintain the decorum, dignity and curtsy in their speech and behaviour. They should imbibe skill of tactful communication. They should follow the maxims of cooperation and politeness in their verbal and non -verbal communication.
  6. Administrative staff should act in a professional and congenial manner towards colleagues, irrespective of their related position, gender or status within the institutional hierarchy.
  7. The administrative staff should maintain harmonious relations with other staff and students.
  8. The administrative staff should maintain confidentiality in conduct of examination and any other policy related information, unless asked to reveal by the institutional authority.
  9. The administrative staff must strictly follow directions and instructions of the authority. It should constructively contribute towards the development of college and students. It should maintain sanctity of academic environment.
  10. The administrative staff should properly maintain records of respective portfolio.
  11. The administrative staff should make effort for the continuous development through training programme, workshops and skill development activities.
  12. The administrative staff should respect and maintain the hierarchy in the administration. They should be sensitive in following the norms of protocol in the institute.
  13. All the administrative staff maintain integrity and fairness in all activities. they should exercise self-discipline, restrain at all times and deal positively with staff, students and public.
  14. The administrative staff should strictly avoid divulge official secrets, mutilate, expunge, conceal, alter of forge official documents of receipts. They must not intercept or misappropriate college resources.
  15. They should avoid spending time on social networking site during the working hours & should not waste office time for personal reasons.
  16. They should remain away from party politics.
  17. They should avoid procrastination of the daily office work. They should adopt the zero pending files policy. They should keep pro-active and speculative working strategies.
  18. The office staff should not indulge in any form of addiction during the office hours.
  19. They should not remain absent from duty without official approval or approved leave.
  20. They should make judicious use of e-resources and electricity, provided impetus for office automation and inculcate paper free practices in order to make in more eco friendly
  21. Be present at the college and be available full-time and shall work in such capacity and at such place as he/she may be so directed from time to time.
  22. Follow by the provisions of the Act, Statutes, Standard Code, Ordinances, Regulations, and Rules and guidelines.
  23. Ensure the smooth conduct of the student’s admission, examination issues and college/institution and administration activities.
  24. Abide and obey all orders and instructions which may from time to time be given to him/her.
  25. Extend utmost courtesy and attention to all persons with whom he has to deal in the sphere of his duties. He shall work hard to promote the interest of the College and wellbeing of the students.

Our college gives utmost importance to the development of character of students and expects them to bear good conduct both inside and outside the college. Kindness, helpfulness and tolerance are virtues which they are particularly advised to cultivate. So, that they develop into healthy, positive leaders in coming years.

General rules are to be noted:

  1. All students admitted to the Institute are subject to the discipline and control of the Institute authorities. The students are required to adhere strictly to the rules and regulations.
  2. The College reserves the right to delete, to add or amend the rules & regulations as and when deems necessary.
  3. Proper observance of Institute’s discipline, good conduct and participation in Curricular, Co-Curricular, and Extracurricular activities are important for successful graduation and bright future of the students.
  4. Students must be regular and punctual in attending the classes and all other activities of the Institute. It must be ensured that the students maintain at least the minimum attendance as specified by the University norms. Further, it is imperative that the students strictly adhere to reporting on the day of commencement and end of each semester.
  5. Each student must wear Institute uniform on the days as instructed by the Institute. Students shall come to the campus clean, tidy and neatly dressed.
  6. Students must carry his/her identity card while in the campus and also outside the campus while representing the Institute
  7. Students should read the notices put on the notice board of Institute, department and office regularly. Also, Students must check the emails sent by the Institute daily as all the important notices from office/exam section are sent on Institute e-mail.
  8. A student must take prior written permission of Teacher Guardian, Class Teacher and the HOD in case he/ she is unable to attend the lectures and/or practical’s for more than a week.
  9. Students should help to maintain the campus clean, tidy and plastic free. Also, students should take care of the flora and fauna in the campus.
  10. The conduct of the students inside and outside the campus should be such that it will raise their own image and image of the Institute in the society.
  11. The students must not participate in any antisocial activity. If any objectionable conduct within or outside the premises of the Institute by the student is observed or reported, then he/she is liable for strict disciplinary action.
  12. No notice of any kind shall be circulated among the students or pasted on the notice-board without the written approval from the Principal.
  13. No money collections are allowed without prior permission of the principal.
  14. No meeting or party should be held in the college nor any other activity taken up without the approval of the principal.
  15. No tours, excursions, picnics or pleasure trips are to be arranged or organized without the prior permission of the principal.
  16. According to the verdict of the Supreme Court and the University Act. 1956-Regulation 26(1)g-2009, the students found guilty of ragging are liable for punishment.

  • Acts of misconduct


The following acts shall constitute misconduct:


  1. Physical assault or threat, against any member of the campus.
  2. Carrying of, use of or threat to use any weapons.
  3. Violation of the status, dignity and honor of a student belonging to the scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and/or any religion.
  4. Any practice, whether verbal or otherwise, derogatory to women.
  5. Creating ill-will or intolerance on religious or communal ground.
  6. Disrupting any teaching, study, assessment or research activities or the administration of the institute.
  7. Obstructing officer or employee of the Institute in the performance of his or her duties.
  8. Damaging or wrongfully dealing with any property under the control of the Institute; any property on Institute premises; or property on a location where a student is present under the auspices of the Institute.
  9. Disobeying or failing, without reasonable cause, to observe any provision of the Bye-Laws, or any rule made by AICTE/DTE/University/ Institute of which students have been duly notified.
  10. Withholding relevant information or furnishing false or misleading information for purposes connected with academic progression.
  11. Misuse of social media for spreading/forwarding contents that are objectionable by Laws.
  12. Indulging in any antisocial activity.
  13. Sexual Harassment/Misconduct/Exploitation: Unwelcome, gender-based verbal or physical conduct.
  14. The possession, sale, use or consumption of alcohol in the campus.
  15. The possession, sale, use or consumption of illegal drugs (including illegal use of prescription medication) and/or use of drug paraphernalia. Paraphernalia includes but is not limited to the following: bongs, pipes, blunts, grinders and/or similar objects.
  16. Violation of national, state, or local law(s). 

  • Measures for non-observance of rules and regulations


Following measures may be taken in case of non-observance of rules and regulations:


  1. Cancellation of admissions.
  2. Cancellation of term.
  3. Detention from examination forms.
  4. Rustication from examination/ college.
  5. Suspension from College.
  6. Students will be fined for not following the rules of discipline.
  7. Confiscation of deposit.

A code of conduct for administrator of an engineering college is as follows:

5.1 Administrators and their Responsibilities

The Administrators should: 

  1. Bear in mind that they have to manage the college as per rules and regulations laid down by the competent authorities. 
  2. Adhere to the policies framed by All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi, Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai and affiliated University. 
  3. Manage the affairs of the college in a manner consistent with the dignity of field of Education. 
  4. Ensure that ambience, infrastructure, employment, resources, etc. are conducive to the teaching-learning process. 
  5. Adopt fair, legal, ethical and legitimate practices in the process of admission of the students. 
  6. Refrain from malpractices in the process of recruitment of Academic and Non-academic employees in the college. 
  7. Follow all the provisions in the Agreement made with the University and other statutory authorities. 
  8. Ensure that there is no discrimination amongst students and employees on the basis of caste, creed, religion and language. 
  9. Bear in mind that they are managing the college to serve the noble cause of education and not for any commercial purpose. 
  10. Ensure that staff – student ratio prescribed by All India Council for Technical Education is maintained. 
  11. Maintain non-teaching staff as per staffing pattern prescribed by competent authorities. 
  12. Select and appoint the candidates for the posts of teachers by following the procedure prescribed by AICTE and affiliated university, Nagpur.
  13. Select and appoint the candidates for the non-teaching posts as per rules laid down by the competent authority. 
  14. Equip the laboratories with required number of equipments and material. 
  15. Ensure that library of the college is replete with books and tools of technology. 
  16. Make all possible endeavours to impart education replete with quality. 
  17. Make provision of funds for meeting all the expenditure of the college. 
  18. Ensure that amount towards scholarship for the student concerned is received from Government and released to the students soon after the receipt of the same. 
  19. Make lodging and boarding arrangement for the students who come from rural area at minimum cost.
  20. Make efforts to get funds for projects, conferences, seminars etc. from concerned funding agencies. 
  21. Motivate and support the teachers for research projects. 
  22. Establish Institute-Industry relationship and attempt to create work culture amongst the students. 
  23. Allow the teachers to participate in seminars, National and Inter-national conferences, workshops etc. hosted by other institutions and organizations. 
  24. Maintain transparency in all the affairs of the college. 
  25. Take the decision regarding increase / decrease in Intake capacity / closure etc. and take action accordingly.


5.2 Administrators and Employees

Administrators should: 

  1. Respect the right and dignity of employees. 
  2. Deal justly and impartially with employees regardless of their religion, caste, economic, social and physical characteristics. 
  3. Recognize the difference in aptitude and capabilities among the employees and entrust the work accordingly. 
  4. Be affectionate to the employees and not behave in vindictive manner towards any of them for any reason. 
  5. Assess the performance and maintain confidential reports every year. 
  6. Disallow the employees to involve themselves in political activity in the college campus and in the matters related to the college. 
  7. Grant leave to the employees as per the Leave Policy prescribed by the University. 
  8. Check that employees do not take undue advantage of provisions in the Leave Policy. 
  9. Refrain from involving the employees in any political activity undertaken by them. 
  10. Ensure that the employees do not provide any defamatory information about the college to the press and social media. 
  1. Punish the employee who is found guilty of defamation of the college as per rules laid down in the matter. 
  2. Entertain the grievance of any employee who has come through the Head of the Institution. 
  3. Ensure that the employees of the college do not undertake any other employment. 
  4. Guard zealously that all the Policies made by the college are adhered to by the employees. 
  5. Represent the Foundation Society in various committees of the college constituted as per rules laid down in Maharashtra Public Universities Act 2016, All India Council for Technical Education Act 1987 and University Grants Commission Act 1950.
  6. Ensure that all formalities are completed as per schedule given in All India Council for Technical Education Act 1987 and Approval Process Handbook every year. 
  7. Bear in mind that the relationship between the administrators and the teachers is not a relationship of master and servant but it is a matter of status


5.3 Administrators and Students 

Administrators should: 

  1. Bear in mind that all the activities in the college are student centric. 
  2. Refrain from entertaining the grievances of the students who do not come through the Head of the Institution. 
  3. Ensure that there is harmony amongst students. 
  4. Attend the functions in the college whenever necessary and invited. 
  5. Provide necessary help to students in their academic pursuits and activities.


5.4 Administrators and Guardians and Society 

Administrators should: 

  1. Deal with guardians with utmost courtesy. 
  2. Guide the guardians, whenever necessary, properly. 
  3. Evince social awareness and in case of any social problem and natural calamity make the college resources available to the society.
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